
TLD Blog

TLD Blog2019-05-13T17:39:14+00:00

CDL Training Pilot Program

TLD Logistics was featured on the local CBS affiliate WYMT in Hazard, KY. Hazard Community and Technical College (HCTC) announced a partnership with TLD Logistics [...]

Changing Lanes CDL Program

TLD Logistics' "Changing Lanes" program was recently featured on local Knoxville news channel WBIR.  The program targets individuals looking for a second chance who would [...]

Help Make a Difference

With the world's shipping industry backlogged for months, now is the perfect time for YOU to consider becoming a commercial truck driver. With generous compensation [...]

TLD a Best Fleet For 5th Year in Row

POSTED BY: AL MUSKEWITZ JANUARY 30, 2020 UPDATED By Al Muskewitz The senior management team at TLD Logistics Services huddled over the laptop in president Jim Peters’ [...]